
28 2024

Cultural Arts : Yale & Slavery with the Beinecke Library's Tubyez Cropper

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

JCC Vine Auditorium 360 Amity Rd.
Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 387-2522

In conjuction with the ILR, the JCC is col-sponsoring a program on Slavery and Yale.

Community Engagement Program Manager at the Beinecke Library and local Videographer/photographer, Tubyez Cropper has spent the last 10 years bringing essential yet unknown stories of local history to life. In addition to his work on the Yale and Slavery Research Project, Tubyez has contributed to the immersive New Haven Museum exhibition, Shining a Light on Truth.

Founded in 1701, Yale has a complex past that includes direct and indirect ties
to slavery. That history cannot be remade. What can be done is to reveal, share, and
learn from that history, so we can strengthen our community and advance Yale and
CT’s mission of education and research to create a better future.

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