
15 2022

Shining A Light On Antisemitism On The Dark Web

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

JCC of Greater New Haven and Zoom 360 Amity Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Contact Josh Pernick

No longer confined to the fringes of neo-Nazi groups or extremist Islamists, antisemitism has emerged as a persistent feature of online conspiracy theories about governance, globalization, and immigration. The rising tide of online incitement has motivated defamation of Jewish public figures and a new surge in violence against Jewish people, houses of worship, and community institutions in the United States and Europe. Based on her recent research, Dr. Koblentz-Stenzler will talk about how far-right groups recruit and radicalize followers using antisemitism and hate-filled offensive meme language. She will also delve into the differing roots and manifestations of far-right and far-left antisemitism, both of which have seen a resurgence in recent years. 

We will be joined for this program by our partners at ADL Connecticut, who will share about how some of the troubling trends explored in Dr. Koblentz-Stenzler's presentation are playing out here in Connecticut. Light refreshments will be served.

Speaker bio: Dr. Liram Koblentz-Stenzler is a Visiting Researcher in the Sociology Department of Yale University this academic year, and serves as the Senior Researcher and Head of the Global Far-Right Extremism Desk at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, ADL Connecticut, UJA-JCC of Greenwich, UJF of Greater Fairfield

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