
19 2021

Global Gathering of Solidarity with Jewish Agency for Israel

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

The recent days have been challenging. The Jewish Agency For Israel's Partnership2Gether professional and volunteer staff are spread across the country, some currently under fire and others witnessing violent acts. We experience fear, anxiety for our lives and the lives of our loved ones, and deep sadness as tensions and violent acts between Israeli Arabs and Jews grow. Notwithstanding, we are also experiencing hopeful, solidarity initiatives across the country:  citizens standing together against violence and hatred and refusing to become enemies. All the while we are receiving so much love and support from across Jewish communities, strengthening us from afar and our hope for better days to come.

We invite you to join us for a virtual global gathering of our Partnership2Gether family

A time for us to be together in solidarity with our staff, community members, participants, and volunteers across Israel.  To share, listen, and be present for each other.  Wednesday May 19, 10:00am (EST)  - join using this Link:

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