
26 2023

New Haven Beit Midrash, Session 2

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation B'nai Jacob 75 Rimmon Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Contact Josh Pernick

LE’AVDAH ULE’SHAMRAH: The Jewish Obligation to Repair and Restore

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Rabbi Jonathan Leener
LOCATION: Congregation B'nai Jacob

When Adam was first placed in the Garden of Eden early in the Book of Genesis, his command was simple: “And God placed the Man in the Garden of Eden, to work it and protect it.” This command was not for Adam alone; rather, it served as a mission statement for all of Adam and Eve’s descendants to at once benefit from and protect God’s creations. In this session, we will explore this commandment from a variety of angles and perspectives.

Rabbi Jonathan Leener is a Faculty Associate Fellow for Pardes North America and the rabbi of BASE, a grounding point for young Jewish adults. Ordained at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, he was also the founding rabbi of Base BKLYN. His writings on Judaism and Israel have appeared in The Washington Post, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and Huffington Post. He most recently published a children’s book, Esther’s Magical Mystery Torah, bringing the Torah of Rabbi Nachman to young children.

The New Haven Beit Midrash is presented in partnership with Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Congregation B’nai Jacob, Ezra Academy, Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI), Congregation Mishkan Israel, Temple Beth David, Temple Emanuel, Temple Beth Tikvah, Or Shalom and Westville Synagogue.

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