
13 2021

The Role of JDC in the Rehabilitation of Cyprus Detainees 1946-1949

12:00PM - 1:30PM  


Contact JDC Archives

During the summer of 1946, the British Mandate government in Palestine decided to intercept the Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, and redirect them to internment camps in Cyprus. Conditions in the camps were very difficult, especially for women and children.

Dr. Anat Kutner will examine how JDC, a large Jewish philanthropic organization, purportedly apolitical and neutral, received permission from the British authorities to work in the camps to supplement the meager assistance provided by the British. JDC staff provided for most of the detainees' needs, including welfare and medical aid as well as extra food rations, and educational resources. JDC staff endeavored to meet the inmates' cultural and religious needs as well.

Dr. Kutner’s talk will focus on the story of the survivors who were interned in Cyprus who were so close to entering Israel and yet unable to reach it, bringing with them both traumatic personal histories and political aspirations. At the same time, it will show how JDC functioned as a neutral organization and the role it played in the refugees' rehabilitation.

The lecture will be followed by a presentation by Sigal Harari Zonder on the art works and crafts created by the Jewish detainees during their time in the British detention camps in Cyprus. The works, most of which were created from available material such as empty tin cans, a soft piece of limestone, tent lines, deal with the memory of the atrocities of the Holocaust, everyday life, as well as yearning for the detainees’ homes and families, and their aspirations to build a new life in the Land of Israel.

Anat Kutner

Dr. Anat Kutner is the Director of JDC’s Jerusalem Archives. Previously, she was a project manager at the National Library of Israel, and later directed a department at the Yad Vashem Archives. She has a PhD in History from Bar Ilan University. Her research interests include the role of JDC and its work in the contemporary Jewish world and in the history of the State of Israel. JDC’s Jerusalem Archives houses the records of JDC’s work in Israel and of JDC overseas offices. This includes the records of JDC’s Operation in Cyprus.

Sigal Harari Zonder

Sigal Harari Zonder is a social worker who specializes in rehabilitation. She holds a Master of Social Work from Tel Aviv University. She curated the exhibition, "Unknown History – Works of Art Created by Jewish Illegal Immigrants in the British Detention Camps in Cyprus", in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 2014, and the exhibition "Cyprus, the Art of Life, The Detention Camps, 1946-1949" in Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, 2017.

Sponsor: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

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